General Questions

Is there a registration fee?
Yes, there is a nominal registration fee.
Do you have part time program?
Yes, we do have part time programs which are based on hourly or daily rates to suit your specific requirements.
Does your centre provide food for my child?
Yes, we do provide meal (food). There is no extra charge for food.
What is your drop-off and pick-up time?
The operating hours are 7 am – 6 pm, Monday to Friday. A child can be dropped off and picked up during this duration.
Is my child’s progress assessed?
Yes, we provide assessment two times in a year – January and July. Based on the assessment the reports are send to the parents, on request.
What documents do I need for registration?
A registration form with questionnaire Copy of immunization record Medical information form Copy of parents/guardians driver’s license.
Will you provide diapers and wipes?
No, parents are responsible for providing diapers, pull ups and wipes. These should be labeled with child’s name.

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